Morpheus of Mars is a real-time action strategy game. Or, at least that was the ambition. It's more like, have you ever wanted to play StarCraft but with way less features? Then you have GOT to play this game! :smile:

**There is an HTML5 version, but if you have any issues, I have included a Windows download as well**

Update 4/5/22: Added a check to force 1600 x 900 resolution for playback, some graphics / text may be slightly off due to resizing, however.

Follow instructions in game for system startup (uses A and D keys on keyboard)

Once you have some drones, you LEFT click to select a drone (left click anywhere else to de-select all drones)

With your drone selected, right click on various things for interactions, as indicated below:

- Click the green crystals to harvest minerals. When the drone is full or the crystal location is empty, drone returns to the dome to deposit minerals. Crystals re-grow over time.

- Click on the antennas to repair them and begin to send your distress signal. More antennas repaired means a faster distress signal, but WATCH OUT! Once you fire up your first antenna, you awaken the unruly aliens hiding just below the surface of Mars!

- Click on your dome to repair it. If the selected drone is carrying any minerals, it will deposit them first. If the dome health is less than 100%, the drone will begin to repair the dome at a rate of 1 health for 25 minerals.

If minerals drop to 0, the drone will keep attempting to repair until the dome reaches 100% (other drones can deposit minerals while the current drone(s) repair the dome.

When the dome reaches 100%, drones will STOP repairing so you will need to select them and right-click on the dome if it gets damaged further.

Things which were unfortunately cut for time:

- The instructions mention that Dyna and Mo may occasionally break down. This never happens, because it took a lot longer to get them to behave for the intro and frankly Rubix was tired of dealing with them any further.

- Turrets, because I ran out of time to implement them.

- More music and sounds, because I finally got the exports working with about 2 minutes to spare before the Jam deadline

Tools Used, Credits, Special Thanks, etc::

- Godot game engine

- for project board management

- LabChirp and sfxr for the (few) sound effects in the game

- Kenney for the font:

- AnneArkey for literally all the graphics and around 85% of the story

- RubixNoob13 for the big ol' bowl of spaghetti code that is this entry

- Ludum Dare for being AMAZING

- Anyone who plays this and leaves a review

- Special thanks to anyone who read this far down the page

Bug fixes since initial upload: (updated 4/5/2022)

 - Removed subfolder from .zip file for to allow playing in browser window

 - Game still running at gameover state

 - gameover screen not darkening as intended

 - enemy speed set incorrectly (forgot to reset after debug testing)

 - multiple drones gathering 1 resource will no longer cause them all to get resources at an

   accelerated rate

 - player should no longer be able to select multiple drones

 - player should no longer be able to start building a drone before turning the power on

 - repairs should take place if player clicks in the majority of the area of the dome instead of a

   very specific place

 - stopped various things from spawning even after game over screen was reached


LD50.exe 34 MB

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